Afghanistan Research Group is a non-profit policy and research organization dedicated to the study and development of Afghanistan. Its multifaceted work on Afghanistan’s politics, security, and development supports and promotes local knowledge production, brings local perspectives on national and international policy dialogues on Afghanistan to the fore, and develops indigenous and homegrown policy solutions to the country’s challenges. While focusing on local voices and perspectives, the organization brings professionals and scholars from and of Afghanistan in order to bridge the gap between local knowledge and external expertise. 

The primacy of the agency, ownership, and leadership of local intellectuals and actors in these efforts are the center of our work.  The structure and practice of global policy debates and knowledge production on Afghanistan remain largely external, where little attention is paid to diverse local actors, voices, and perspectives. By centering home-grown expertise, the Afghanistan Research Group aims to address a fundamental gap in the global research and policy conversations on Afghanistan. This, we believe, is of paramount significance to a more inclusive, contextualized, and better-informed policy-making that is sensitive to the local context, perspectives, and experiences. Such an approach is equally empowering for the local actors as well as for the intellectuals, researchers, and experts in exile through an organic relationship of mutual learning, exchange, knowledge production, and mobilization.


A peaceful, free, democratic, and pluralist Afghanistan


  • Offering locally-informed and innovative scholarship and policy solutions on peace, security, and development in Afghanistan
  • Convening, collaborating, and mobilizing  Afghanistan’s intellectuals, activists, and political voices


The core values that inspire and lead our professional engagement include:

  1. Integrity – that our work is conducted with the highest level of ethical standards, professionalism, and accountability
  2. Pluralism – that every voice and perspective, particularly of marginalized communities and groups, especially women, are represented, integrated, and promoted
  3. Responsibility – that our work is informed by the utmost sense of responsibility and commitment to a peaceful, free, democratic, and pluralist future for Afghanistan 



  1. Applied Research
    We conduct research that merges the highest standards of rigor with homegrown subject matter expertise and relevance. Our research is informed by historical context, local knowledge, and the future needs of the country.

  1. Innovative Solutions
    We devise policy solutions to the country’s development challenges through iterative and innovative methods that cater to complex and localized contexts, extreme affordability and agility, and utilize technology and other tools. Our approach to problem-solving and policy development rests on the belief that local indigenous actors know their contexts better and are capable of devising responsive solutions.

  1. Inclusive Dialogue
    We convene dialogues and discussions among the most diverse range of voices and perspectives, especially local actors, and marginalized communities to share knowledge, understand challenges, and develop solutions.

  1. Future-oriented Mobilization
    We bring together Afghanistan’s intellectuals and political voices to join forces and coordinate collective efforts for a democratic and pluralist future. We believe in the power of collective agency and collaborative action in shaping a peaceful and sustainable future for all.